Wednesday 24 April 2013

Happy Day

Short and sweet tonight's folks as my birdcage is calling to me. Lol.

Am glad to say my hospital appointment went well today.. well that is eventually.  Followed hospital instructions, drank my pint and a half of water, didn't go to the bathroom for an hour before my appointment and what happened once he put the gel on and tried to do my ultrasound..  my bladder wasn't full enough!!!  Back to the waiting room I went along with another pint of water.. lol.  Half an hour later I'm glad to say I finally had enough fluid in me and there does not appear to be any sign of cysts..  phew.. I sure am relieved at that one and its a huge weight off my mind. 

So, I'm off to get the paint out and make my idle hands busy again.  Hope you're all having a good day too.  Will probably be late tomorrow before my next post as I'm working in Craft World all day but you never know.. I may manage a cheeky wee post before my shift starts.  Lol.

Happy crafting all.
Lorraine xxx

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