Saturday 2 February 2013

It's been a while...

Well folks it certainly has been a while since I was last in the land of blog so what's been happening?  

Well I was no sooner back from the NEC when I started working at Craft World in Hillington on the run up to Christmas.  Obviously that was followed by the merriment of Christmas itself and the New Year festivities.  January started well and we really have managed to dodge most of the snow which is wonderful.  I spent the month sorting out a lot of stuff around the house including emptying the ironing basket, which trust me was no mean feat.  Total of 6 hours over 2 days!!!   I've spent most nights doing some crochet hats and cardigans which I can share with you later but seeing as I actually spent time in my craft room today I thought I would start by sharing some pics of the project I have started on which is a fab wooden bin by Kaiser Crafts.  

First up I primed it then added 2 coats of paint, sanding between coats of course, then I got to play using some Tim Holtz and Indigo Blu stamps, along with some Fresco paint.  The plan is for this to be the inside of the bin so if I stick to that I won't add anything else and will simply seal.  Going to be on the safe side though and wait to see what I do on the other side first before making a final decision.  

Well folks time to sign off and chillax.  Have a fab weekend.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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