Friday 16 November 2012

Staying warm.

Evening all and just a quick post from me tonight...  Had a wee chilled out morning with hubby today, followed by a nice lunch out and visit to an antique store, then we done the weekly shopping and tonight I'm sitting knitting.   I had a whole batch of scarves knitted up ready to sell and I have sold out in less than 2 weeks!   Needless to say the needles were clicking away like mad last night and they are doing the same tonight again.. so far I've got 1 done and am just about to make a start on the 2nd and with any luck will manage to squeeze a 3rd in too.   Why oh why does everyone think its easy making a living as a crafter... It's non stop.  Lol. 

Well that's me for now folks but will be back tomorrow again.. hope you're all stating warm and taking care of yourselves... Till tomorrow.. toodles.

Happy crafting
Lorraine. Xxx

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