Friday 19 October 2012

What a day!

Well folks its been a day and a half here and this is the first opportunity I've had to actually sit down and write a post.  The morning started with news from Brianna that she now has official confirmation that she has gained her Masters degree... Or to put it in official terms... Her MMus HIPP.   Obviously we are both very proud of her and are now looking forward to her graduation next month.  

Soon afterwards the day started to change... My friend informed me that her dad has cancer so my heart sank.  Once I got over that I went about some household chores, dealt with emails etc and on route to the shop I got a call from a neighbour about unauthorised work being done on the embankment close to where I live so had to turn and head back.   Won't bore you with the details of it all but it resulted in the police being called and me being extremely wet.   Then the following 2 hours consisted of both the mobile and land line ringing off the hook.  Just as I thought I was finally able to relax I got word that a lady I used to work with and have known all of my life has passed away too.   Funny thing was I had only just thought about her an hour or so before I heard the news.  

So I eventually managed to get dinner somewhere around 7.30pm, tended to the animals afterwards, printed some stuff of the computer for samples, dealt with another pile of emails, put my pj's on and sat down to write this post.  Oh yeah and my kitty is curled up by my side after having a very relaxed day.  Lol.

Off to make a cuppa now and do some sudoku whilst chilling in front of the tv for a while before heading to bed... I have a feeling tomorrow could possibly be another one of those days with the follow up to today's embankment events and hubby is off work in to the bargain and we have a few things we need to deal with too...  Please keep fingers crossed there's no more bad news though. 

Right folks will bid you all goodnight.. and till tomorrow... Sweet dreams. 
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine. Xxx

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