Wednesday 17 October 2012

Time to play

Well folks I've spent most of the day sorting the 200+ contacts on my phone and transferring my calender for the next year... No wonder I hate new phones.  Lol. 

Anyway now it's done I can relax in the knowledge that I can rely on my phone again to keep my life on track. Phew... That's never an easy task.  Off to put the potatoes on to boil for my dinner then I can get back to my bird cage.. sorry the picture is crap but its dark here now.  Thankfully you can still see some of the PanPastels.  Hopefully it will be finished tonight and I can get a better picture of it in daylight tomorrow.   Well I'm off to boil the fatties now as I'm starving so will catch up with you all later.. oh yeah and it looks like the hacker issue is solved now too....  Never a good idea to hack me off as I don't respond well and you're unlikely to enjoy my payback.  Lol. 

Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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