Thursday 13 September 2012

Thursday already!

Wow folks I can hardly believe it's Thursday already and I'll be packing my cases for the return home before I know it. Thankfully not before I squeeze in another few days of sunshine though. Lol.
Well we're off to visit Rob's mum today so there will probably be some shopping on the agenda. I know she also wants to take us for a visit to the animal shelter she volunteers at but think I may need to sit in the car for that one as I really don't like shelters and it breaks my heart to see all those animals without homes.

We had a fab time in San Diego yesterday on the HSS Midway, it's worth looking that up on the internet as it's a massive carrier ship which has now been converted to a museum since it's retirement. What was really cool was that when we returned home we got to see a picture of the boat that Rob's Dad served time on when he was in the Navy.. Boy you wouldn't believe how small this boat was and they went all the way to Japan on it!

So.. It's just after 8am, I'm ready to pour my 2nd coffee of the day so before I do here's the details of today's project. As you can probably tell it's a scrap page, minus any personal pictures as it's for demo purposes. I've used stash and paper from the Kaiser Crafts 'Sears and Sons' range. The rosette I made myself simply using my Hougie Board and a strip of paper from the range, the miniature ties, moustaches, hats, playing cards etc are all from these amazing bags you get that are just filled with bits and pieces to use in your projects.

Right folks it's time to sign off now, fill the coffee cup then get my butt in gear and get out of here. Hope everyone's having a fab day and I'll be back with you again soon.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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