Friday 14 September 2012


Spent a cool day with Rob's mum today. We had a wee hour in the house for a quick catch up then headed out to the mall.. So wish we had malls like this back home as I may enjoy shopping then. Lol. Anyway, we started off there with a lovely lunch followed by a few hours wandering the shops. I was disappointed I didn't manage to find any shoes I fancied but did manage to get a few things from Abercrombie Fitch.. One of my all time favourite shops and I love the fact it's cheaper here.. always my excuse to spend more. Lol. So finally around tea time we headed back to the house where we just sat around chatting till somewhere around 9pm before deciding to make a move and head back to his Dad's house. Now were sitting upstairs watching Kindergarden Cop chilling out before bed. Hopefully we'll be heading off to Universal Studios in the morning for another fun day. I have to say the temperature here is a bit on the high side for me during the day and I constantly feel like I'm melting. Being as I'm such small chested it's always a bad sign when I can feel the sweat roll down my cleavage. Lol

Quickly before I sign off, this is another page layout I made using papers from the Kaiser Crafts 'Periwinkle' range combined with one of the wooden accents which I painted and added some flakes to.

So with all that said I'll sign off for now but be back again soon. Keep up the crafting folks.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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