Saturday 25 August 2012

Ladies only

Evening all. Hope everyone's had a productive day.

I've been scrapping today so thought I'd give you a wee sneaky peek at some of the papers. Not much I know but as they say.. 'Patience is a virtue'.. Lol. And you only have one more week to wait till I can start revealing my makes.

The day started off pretty nice here today then mid afternoon I was suddenly thrust in to darkness as the heavy rain clouds began to fill the sky. Made a quick dash out to the garden to grab my washing from the line and just managed to make it back indoors before the rain started. Needless to say the house ended up resembling a laundrette.

Well it's time for me to tend the animals before chilling out for the rest of the night.. Need to build the energy up as going shopping tomorrow for holiday clothes and I find that very draining.

Hope you all have a lovely night and be back to tomorrow again.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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