Saturday 25 August 2012


Goodness me.. Can you believe it's almost 1pm already! Sometimes you just have to wonder where exactly the day goes. Anyway, I've done a quick clean up of the house this morning, washing machine going like mad and dishes done. Oohhh and wee kitty is chilling out in the middle of the living room floor. Lol

As hubby's at work just now it's giving me a wee chance to work without being distracted so I've had a rummage in my good old box and this is what I've decided to start with.. A little bit of something classy and chic. So without further delay I'm off to get creative. Watch this space for more sneaky peeks in a few hours again.

Oh and Nikkib if you happen to read this we're flying with Air New Zealand. Will give feedback on here so you'll know whether it's worth checking out next time you fly. No idea what's happening with blogger just now but when I log in I can't see the dashboard to moderate any comments but thankfully I got the email so managed to read it.

Toodles for now and be back laters.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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