Tuesday 10 July 2012

Shortbread day

Afternoon all and sorry it's been a while but between births, deaths and marriages I've been kept pretty busy the last wee while. With normal life and work on top of that it's been rather busy around the old Robertson household.

Anyway, today I needed to take some time out as my eyelids are so heavy they feel like they've got lead weights attached so I decided to do some baking and what was on the agenda.. Shortbread. Well my mum's been waiting on a batch for a week now and my friends dad was buried yesterday and he asked for some too so thought I'd make some up today as I'm going to visit tomorrow and can take it with me. The large box is for him and his family, mum can have one of the other tubs and I'll hide one for myself too I think. Lol

Being the very good girl that I am the kitchen is all clean ready for dinner when hubby comes home then tonight I need to finish off another wedding stationery order so it can be posted tomorrow and I'm still working on samples for the fabby new Cupcakecrafting cd that will be launching soon. Hopefully I'll get a relatively early night too.. That means before 1am.. Lol as last night I slept for 9hrs solid which is so not me.. I'm normally a 6-7hr girl so batteries are defo in need of a recharge.

Right.. Time to sign off and get back to work otherwise I'll end up with a spill over to tomorrow and I can't have that seeing as I'm going to be slacking off for a few hours visiting. Will try to be a better blogger over the next few days and stop just putting updates on facebook which I seem to have been doing lately! Naughty me. Oops. Sorry.

Bye for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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