Saturday 30 June 2012

Brianna's New Blog

Brianna's Blog

Afternoon all, hope everyone is doing well and for those in the UK I hope you're all managing to avoid the floods as from what I've seen on tv recently they've been horrendous and terrible to think of the destruction that it's causing too..  Thankfully, although we've had lots of heavy rain we've managed to avoid any flooding in my area.

Anyway, it's been a whirlwind of a week that's gone by in the blink of an eye... my washing machine broke so I had to use a neighbours till the repair man arrived to fix mine..  my wee mummy finally retired on Thursday, well she's only 70 so still plenty life left in the old dog yet.. my back's been playing up on and off so every few days the bottom half is seizing.. hubby has kindly been manipulating it so hoping to be back to normal soon and my friends have now disappeared off to the sun for their holidays so it's going to be very quiet around here for the next few weeks.  Oh and I done some baking the other day too... Herman cakes and shortbread.. sadly I finished the shortbread this morning so will need to make more either today or tomorrow.

Now, as many of you will know my gorgeous step daughter graduated her BSc last year with 1st class Honours and is due to complete her Masters degree in September... well.... she has been accepted to start her PhD at Glasgow Uni in October too so we're very proud of her indeed.  She's such a determined, hard working young lady it's quite unbelievable at times.. She studies, she sings with the Uni choir, assists as a wedding co-ordinator at the Uni chapel, Sings with Glasgow Madrigirls, works as a co-ordinator with Capability Scotland, appears at concerts both in the UK and Europe, performs at weddings and runs a home on top of that too!  Now for a 23 year old I think that's rather impressive, don't you.  

To help raise her profile on the internet she has just started a new blog and she would love if you could become a follower of her and asks your friends to follow her too please.. the more the merrier as they always say.  So here's the link to her new page.

Brianna E Robertson - Lyrical Legacy     

Well I guess it's time to sign off again as I've just received some fab new stuff from Lynda Chapman at Cupcakecrafting for a new CD due to be released in a few weeks time so need to get my fingers busy on the old sample making front and all I can say is... I LOVE the images and will keep you updated on the launch date nearer the time.  In the meantime.. Happy crafting all and please stay safe if you're near the floods.

Love 'n' hugs

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