Friday 24 February 2012

Paint shadow

Can you believe it's Friday already? This week has just flown by, then again when I think about it so has the month.. March will be here next week!

Yesterday didn't quite go to plan as I had a few unexpected things popped up I had to deal with so didn't manage quite as much crafting as I had hoped for but today's another day so onwards and upwards as they say.

Currently I'm sat on the sofa having a wee cuppa whilst my kitty is sprawled out next to me soaking up the morning sun (one of his favourite pastimes.. Well that and sleeping. Lol), so thought I'd take the opportunity to share another tag from Leandra's workshop. Another quick but very effective technique.

All we used for the tag was 3 colours of paint, some cut and dry and a template. The tag was coated in a base layer, then the design was created using the template, a slight bit of adjustment and the 2nd layer of the design was complete too. Told you it was quick and easy.

Well, guess I best sign off now as the coffee cup needs a wee refill and when it's done, it's time to get started.. Really feel the desire to get inky today. Hope you all enjoy that Friday feeling.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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