Thursday 23 February 2012

Cracking up

Morning all, hope it's a nice one wherever you are as you'll be luckier than me then. Very overcast here today with that horribly smirry rain.

Anyway, thought I'd share tag nos 2 with you this morning which was so quick and easy to do but being as I'm a person who loves the crackle effect it was right up my street. Paint, crackle, paint and you're done.

I've used many different crackle paints in the past but this was the first I've used the Paperartsy one and I have to say.. I'm converted. From now on it's going to be a stable basic in my kit. Why? Well for this tag you wouldn't believe how little of it we actually used. We put a small blob on our tags and used a splodger to remove as much of it as we possibly could and still it creates a fabulous effect with a mix of small and large cracks. It's defo the one for me from now on.

So what's on the agenda for the rest of the day? I've got a few samples to make, mum is popping up for a wee visit and I'm hopping to get a chance to get a little bit inky later on too so quicker I move, the better chance I have as there's a few phone calls to be made in between. Guess it's time to move my butt eh! Will pop back later and upload another make to share with you all but for now.. Toodles.

Happy crafting folks
Lorraine xxx

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