Friday 25 November 2011

Tree decorations..

Morning all and it may be a miserable autumn day outside by there's plenty sun shining indoors today thanks to 2 lovely ladies.

Firstly the one I can share with you just now is that I've been asked to do workshops again at the Artstamps show in Edinburgh so need to get the thinking cap on and get some workshops planned.

Secondly.. Sorry I can't share the details with you right now but I will do in the very near future but I can say it's another one I'm very excited about.

Anyway, here's just 1 of the tree decorations I made yesterday.. Believe it or not the rest aren't quite finished as I need to get a new detail brush to do the eyes so soon as I've got that they'll be finished and ready to hang.

What's on today's agenda.. Well I'm off for a shower just now then need to pop to Asda as the girls are coming round tomorrow so need to stock up on cake.. Then I'll just see how the day works out as I had great plans in place yesterday and umpteen things threw spanners in the works.

Hope you all have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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