Thursday 24 November 2011

It's that time again

Yes folks, christmas is now fast approaching and it's that time again when the hands are working non stop getting the cards and presents all ready for the event of the year. I feel as though I'm behind this year so I'm doing my best to focus and squeeze as much in whenever possible so yesterday I managed to spend a good few hours sitting making a pile of easel cards.

Today I think I might put my efforts into painting some ceramics so I can get the snow on them ready to cure overnight and being as its not the most pleasant of days outside it does give me a good excuse to stay snug as a bug in a rug indoors.

This week started in the normal fashion with Monday being a house sorting day then Tuesday started off with going to Country Baskets with my friend.. A few hours later I ran back in the front door, grabbed my kit bag and scuttled off to ceramics group (an hour late), left there and went straight to asda for the shopping finally getting home around 4.30pm just in time to prep the evening meal. Then you know what I was up to yesterday and I suppose it really is time to get my finger out and get crafting the day away today again.

Hope you're all hustling and bustling too.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow have you been busy and all that wool art below is just stunning
    hugs Nikki
