Thursday 25 August 2011

Evening all..

Well I did think I would have had time to post earlier in the day but time has just disappeared on me.. Lol. Housework this morning, hairdresser at noon but they were running late so didn't get back here till 2pm. Lunch, packed some orders, facebook chat then had a nosey at what I'll be demoing at the SECC. By that time hubby was arriving home from work, had a wee chat with him, watched the neighbours 3 year old being brought home by the police as he had decided to wander off, trip to Asda and now home to have my dinner. After that it's time to dye my hair and finally I might get to do some crafting.. Lol.

Tomorrow I'm helping out at a Debbi Moore workshop so will try and share some pics.

Hope you've all had a fab day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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