Friday 26 August 2011

Another good day

Evening all and hope it's been a good day for all of you.

I've had a fun filled day at Debbi Moore's workshop catching up with old friends and facebook buddies too. What a fab lot of girls they were and needless to say there was as much mischief going on this time as what there was at the last one. Bargains galore were being snatched from the shop tables and lots of pink bags being packed for them to carry off home.

This picture was taken during the lunch time break so they were slightly quieter then as they were busy eating to regain their strength ready for the afternoon session.

So that's basically been my day, well there was a wee bit of housework and dinner when I got home but I'm putting my feet up for the rest of the night now and chilling.

I hear the kettle boiling now so I'll bid you good night and will catch you all tomorrow again.

Toodles for now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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