Monday 30 May 2011

Something easy..

Happy bank holiday Monday to everyone...

I've been a little under the weather the last few days but made a start on one decopatch sample last night.. A wee elephant and now all I need to do is paint his tusks and he's done, then later today I'll hopefully get my wee doggy done too. I've also got an order I need to deliver then I can get ready for my trip to Perth tomorrow.

Hopefully I'm over the worst of this cold now and can get myself back to full speed again.. Nothing worse than feeling like crap and really having no energy whatsoever to do anything.. That sucks and I don't like it.. Lol.

So.. Off to do a little light housework then need to pop out and do a few things.. Best get out of my pj's first right enough so look out shower here I come.. Toodles for now my lovelies.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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