Sunday 29 May 2011

Lazy day..

Evening all.. Well I awoke this morning again to a blocked nose and runny eyes feeling like crap. Around 4pm I ventured out with hubby to get some fresh air.. We only went to 2 shops and then I decided I wanted McDonalds for dinner as I couldn't be bothered cooking.. We came home, ate that and I feel sound asleep for a few hours on the sofa. I'm feeling so drained tonight I think I'll just have a wee cuppa and then lie down again as I'm hoping this is me reaching the end of this thing and the sooner the better as far as I'm concerned. Hopefully I'll be back to normal in a day or two as I've got a really busy month ahead.

Off to boil the kettle now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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