Sunday 15 May 2011

Shadow Box

Well a very good afternoon to everyone.. and yes.. I'm late again... lol.. thought I had mastered Picasa yesterday then today I ran into probs.. not entirely my fault though.. just a silly little bit that needed to be clicked in order for me to enter my text.. thankfully.. my faithful friend Cynthia was on the other end of her Blackberry to help me out quickly.. thank you darling...

Anyway, to continue with today's post.. I thought I'd share my shadow box with you..  I had painted the actual box ages ago but never quite got around to doing anything with it until now.. well at least that's one unfinished project done.. only another 2 dozen or so to go... lol.

I decided to go with some texture on this one and it gave me a good excuse to use one of my gorgeous pieces of silk that I've had stored in a drawer for about 4 years.. I'm rather proud of myself for pulling out the old stash instead of just jumping to use what's on hand at the time..

Neckline looked a little on the bland side though so tarted it up with some pearls.. and it looks a little like some of the necklaces I have.. 

Obviously some of my Tim Holtz goodies were incorporated but it just goes to show that they work well with other bits and bobs that are lying around the craft room... it doesn't have to be all inky grungy you know.. lol..

So with that final note I am off to get some housework done whilst hubby is at the gym.. at least that way it will stay clean and tidy for at least an hour.. lol.. then think I will have another rummage of the unfinished project box and see if anything takes my fancy..  Hope you're all having an awesome Sunday.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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  1. This is so beautiful Lorraine.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  2. WOW Lorraine that shadow box is just amazing!! love it xx


  3. WOW!!!

    Lorraine this is just beautiful, loving all the pretty detail, never seen one before, but this looks ace...

    Huggies Angel

  4. Great project , Lorraine !!!
    Hope all good with you
    Anne x
