Sunday 15 May 2011

Brianna's website..

Yes I know it's late but Brianna has asked me to tell you all about her new website which she has been working on over the last few weeks.. It's tells you a bit about her, links to her music and videos, tuition, upcoming concerts etc..

I know she would really appreciate if you could take just a minute to pop over for a visit..

I haven't managed to have a nosey myself yet so not sure if she tells you on it or not.. She also does soprano performances at weddings etc so never be afraid to ask her.. She's normally up for any kind of work so long as her diary is free.. This girl really does live to sing..

Ok.. What's the address.. It's..

Thanks all.. Much appreciate

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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