Sunday 17 April 2011

Craft Candy Giveaway..

Morning all.. Have awoken to a rather nice day albeit clouding over as it goes on and some heat in the air.. Hope the cloud goes away again right enough as I've got tons of washing to do today.. Lol.

So how to start this wonderful Sunday morning.. How about a little candy giveaway..

Damselfly Crafts in Great Western Road Glasgow have been kind enough to allow me to give away some decopatch goodies and entry is simple..

1.. Leave a comment on this post
2.. Spread the word
3.. You must have an active blog

So folks.. If you fancy winning these goodies you know what to do and I will leave this candy open for a week..

1 wooden bird feeder
1 wooden bangle (complete with glue and decopatch papers)
1 papier mache mask
1 T-Shirt shaped papier mache box
1 papier mache chick hanger
1 papier mache bunny rabbit hanger
1 bag of assorted decopatch papers already cut and waiting to be used.

If you would like more details on children's parties, adult workshops etc please feel free to visit the website

Right.. I'm off to get some work done now and may even pop to the garden centre later for a few wee blooms for the garden.

Have a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Hi Lorraine..

    REMEBER ME!!!!

    Not been over for ages, hope your well.
    Have posted the candy on my blog hun, great give away.
    Huggies Angel

  2. Fab Candy Yvonne......I'll put a post onmy blog too!! Hugs Ann xxx

  3. HI LORRAINE!!!!

    Sorry about last post - calling you Yvonne....was just talking to my mate Yvonne in London, lol ;o)
    Hugs, Ann xxx

  4. heello nessie xxxx i have A BLOGG !!!! XXX

  5. Wow - loving the candy, so unusual, i've not seen it before. Will go spread the 'lurrrv' xx
