Monday 18 April 2011

Chirpy chirp chirp

Morning all.. And I'm beginning to see a bit of a bird theme going on in my house at the moment.. Lol.

Last night I put a little base layer of paint on these gorgeous little beauties.. A little birdhouse and a 4 compartment tray.. I do have an idea where I'm going with both of them but I just need to wait until tonight before I can get started on them again.. As today is Monday.. That means I'm off to Damselfly Crafts in Great Western Road again.. Wonder what's on the work agenda today.. Maybe a little jewellery making or something.. Oh it's a hard life.. Lol.

Had a fab day yesterday as I managed to get rid of a lot of weeds from the garden and get the ground forked over.. Never managed to cut the grass right enough but I guess that gives me an excuse to spend more time in the garden again.. Not that I ever need an excuse right enough.

Right now it's time to run around the housework a little.. Have a quick shower and overall just get myself organised then I'll be in work mode.

Hope you all have a wonderful day planned and that Mr Sunshine pops his head through the clouds for you.

Toodles for now

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lorraine..

    It's lovely to get in the garden, i spent most of the weekend pottering around outside, was lovely, then a nice walk through the park, ahhhh bliss..
    Look forward to seeing what you do with these..

    Huggies Angel
