Monday 14 March 2011

Special birthday gift

Morning all.. Well it's the start of a new week and hopefully this one will not be spent in my pj's feeling like crap.. Lol.

Busy week ahead as I've got some personal cards to make, orders to work on and some samples to do too so lots of organisational skills required to be put in place.. Oh and there's a few workshops to plan too.. No rest for the wicked I guess.. Lol.

However, last week has left me a bit behind in sharing stuff so I will try my best to start catching up this week and first up I just had to show you my wonderful new candle.. Never to be lit of course..

My awesome friend Ann Russell made me this for my birthday and what a perfect gift it was.. She saved the picture from my blog and then worked her magic to transfer the image onto a candle for me.. How awesome is that. I truly am blessed to have such a wonderful friend in life and she is always there for me come rain, hail or shine.

Thank you Ann :D

So without further ado I'm off to make a start on the day.. Beginning with a quick tidy and then prioritising my workload.. Hopefully I'll be a much better blogger this week and will be around to share a lot more creativity with you.

Ok, I'm gone and I'll be back again in a few hours.

Toodles for now and happy crafting.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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