Sunday 13 March 2011

MIL's card

Evening all.. And I hope it's been a good weekend for everyone.

I've been playing away with one of my Tim Holtz die's, delicious new ribbon trims, distress inks, alcohol inks and inka gold. Obviously I've been having a lot of fun.. lol.

I would love to share the whole project with you but can't just now incase my MIL see's it.. Her birthday is at the end of the month so I will post pics once I know it's safely in her hands.

What's next.. Hmmm well I have the choice of 3 birthday cards.. Which one to start with first though.. Only I know the answer to that.. Lol.

Right now, it's time to go organise some dinner so I'll catch up with you all again soon.

Happy crafting all
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. oh... go on give us a little bit more than that you tease - I have a couple of ideas for that die but I am still seeking some inspiration! x
