Saturday 5 March 2011

It's Saturday..

Morning folks.. Well I bet there are a lot of you all breathing a sigh of relief this morning that it's Saturday.. No work to go to.. Perhaps a lie in.. And more crafting and normal.. Lol.

As for me.. I'm almost ready to head out the door for the 3rd day at the SECC with even more friendly faces to see today.. Sadly my throat is still causing a lot of problems.. To the extent that I've resorted to taking a bottle Cavonia with me so I can have a wee slug of it on and off to help with the coughing.. This has also meant that I've been unable to do any demo's as I'd just cough all the way through and poor Kay has had to do them all.. The fun part of it is.. I've now been renamed Mrs Money Bags as I've always got the money belt.. Lol.

Basically.. That explains why I've been just sooo quiet the last few days.. I haven't even been out for a sociable drink with anyone.. I've been coming straight home and am generally asleep before 10pm which is so not like me. I do promise however to try and make amends by getting some more pics today and tomorrow..

Hope everyone is well and I'll catch up with you in a few days time. So.. happy crafting all..

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. you take care sound as though you have been hit by the same thing as me and I ended up with a visit to the doc....big hugs kath xxx

  2. Was just about to BB you to see if you were ok.... seeing this means you are not. Lots of love and hugz darlin and get well soon. Give my love to everyone you see that knows me please. xx
