Saturday 5 March 2011

Evening all..

Well my apologies for the lack of pictures today but it was just way too busy on the stand to get away to take snaps of anyone.. However, I did mange to get this one yesterday of our very own blogland buddy Ann Russell.. Yes she's in full demo flow and bantering away with customers..

So, it's been a long busy day and I'm so glad that Kay was prepared and brought our lunch in with her this morning.. Thank you Kay.. We managed to get a cup of coffee before the show opened and the next one we managed to get was somewhere around the 3 o'clock mark.. Yes we were just a little busy on the stand today.. Lol.. And may I add.. I hope tomorrow is every bit as good as today was.

Last day tomorrow, then break down and I think Monday will be spent lounging on the sofa, taking it easy and hoping that my cough starts to disappear.. Either that or it will be a trip to docs as Kath told me she had the same thing and ended up having to get meds to clear it up..

With that said.. I've had my soak and my dinner so off to watch a half hour of tv before hitting the sack for some much needed sleep..

Nighty night all.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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1 comment:

  1. ann looks like she is keeping the customers entertained...hope you are holding up for the last day...big hugs kath xxx
