Thursday 13 January 2011

Under construction..

I'm not slacking.. Honest.. I've got bits all ready for the birthday card and have stopped temporarily to do the housework and also need to go chase up on an invoice that has now been outstanding for around 6 months!!! Quick pop into Asda on the way back, then I'll finish the card and deliver it.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Hummm....what's she up to now? I can't wait to see the completed project.

  2. is that the cute little fiskars birdie I see hopping across the page...hugs kath xxx

  3. wow hun, love to know how you make it hun :) x

  4. Excuses,excuses! ... :)

    Sounds like you've had a busy day.

    Carol Ann xx

  5. looking forward to see what you create. when you get a chance please check out my blog as ive nominated you for a blog award - please pop over and accept it under the posting i created today. x
