Friday 14 January 2011

Scottish Craft Extravaganza

Right crafters... we've all known for a long time that our Scottish crafters always feel a bit left out as there are never any real big craft events in Scotland except for the ICHF show at the SECC twice a year... Well... changes are afoot to resolve the problem.
This year will host the first ever Scottish Craft Workshop Extravaganza and Create and Craft names such as Kay Rutter, Jo Channon and Lynda Chapman will be hosting workshops.
You may already have seen the advert in some of the craft magazines this month such as Crafts Beautiful but incase you haven't I thought I'd let you know about it.
Obviously there are a specified number of places available... some of which have already sold so if you are interested in coming along to join in the fun I would advise that you book your place sooner rather than later.
In order to make the weekend as cost efficient as possible for crafters, the Yvonne Jackson Agency has arranged for special rates with hotels in the area.. that way you can choose where you stay and how much you pay.
For further details or to book your place on the Scottish Craft Weekend Extravaganza simply click HERE...
Thanks for looking... and hope to see a lot of you there.
Love 'n' hugs with lots of happy crafting
Lorraine xxx