Wednesday 19 January 2011

Today's the day...

Oh yeah.. The day has arrived once again, and thankfully I'm not snowed in this time... So.. At 2pm this afternoon I will be at the hospital to have my wisdom tooth extracted.

Thankfully I'm having it done with a local anaesthetic so won't have to deal with any groggy after effects.. Then again.. Means I'll know everything that's happening.. Lol.

Having been a dental nurse for a decade, I have a good knowledge of what is going to happen today.. And could not tell you how many of these extractions I've assisted in.. Now it's my turn to be the patient.. :o(

To be honest I'll be glad to get rid of it.. You've possible gathered the trouble it's been giving me the last week or so.. And when it's gone it's gone.. Just hope I don't end up with too many stitches at the end of it all.. Lol

Well.. I would like to say a huge 'THANK YOU' to all of my friends who have shown me so much support and sent me their well wishes... They have all been warmly received and mean so much to me... I know I've probably seemed like a big wimp.. It's one of those cases where too much knowledge is proving to be a bad thing... Lol.

Right, off to get myself a wee coffee now.. And find something to keep me occupied for the next few hours.

Thank you again dear friends.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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