Tuesday 18 January 2011


Well I must start by apologising for being missing today.. I've not been sitting with my feet up contrary to what you may believe.. I have infact been working since 8am this morning.. Masses of emails, phone calls, organising and even managed to squeeze in a little bit of housework.. Lol.

I've got some stash to hand ready to go to work as you can see but first up I need to put through the Tesco order, then I've got the hairdresser at 4.40pm... When I get back, will organise dinner then it's play time... Yay.. Tons of samples to get made and need to do a wee something for myself too if possible.

All in all... It's been a busy day but most certainly it's been a wonderful day...

Happy crafting all..

Lorraine xxxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. well you'll sleep well the night quine.
    enjoy your crafty time later

  2. hi hun, ow sound like you have been busy hun x
