Wednesday 12 January 2011

My 'Dream' Revealed...

Afternoon folks and my apologies for the delay uploading the pics... but I got a little side tracked in several ways... obviously the coffee and coasters were the beginning of it... then my friend popped by.. my mum was on the phone... and Brianna has sent me a few emails with wedding details for me to put into her wedding folder... but I must admit.. I'm having a great day...
So here is my 'Dream' sign all tarted up with a little bit of this and a little bit of that... lol

Front view.. sorry about the background but need to wait till the weekend for hubby to hand it in my craft room... maybe by then I'll have done a tidy out... lol

A slightly closer view

And another closer view... just for good measure...

Now you may think this is another close view.. well you're right in a way... but this one is to let you see just how much of a reflection it creates.. amazing don't you think... and I'm loving it..
Right.. I've whittled away long enough I think so I'll say bye bye for now and get back to the crafting grind stone again.. I do have a set of coasters to finish you know... lol...
Happy Crafting
Lorraine xxxx


  1. wow hun, its stunning :) huggs jo x

  2. have been waiting to see the finished article and it certainly doesn't disappoint Lorraine - absolutely gorgeous quine

  3. oh wow Lorraine, it turned out real nice
    Anne x

  4. Gorgeous. Love all the textures.

  5. Wow the transformation is amazing and I'm sure it will look great on your wall.
    Kim xXx
