Thursday 13 January 2011

Good morning

Well I slept like a log last night which I so appreciated after only having 3 hours sleep the night before. There is nothing worse than trying to get through the day on batteries that are almost empty, and I am one of those people, who if I have a mid day nap I usually don't sleep that night. Yesterday was one of those days. I did pretty well right enough up until about tea time then the pace really slowed down.
Finally managed to get to sleep around 1.30am this morning and have just awoke around 10am.. Rolled out of bed and mad myself a quick instant coffee.. Only to find I've got no more left so.. The good old perculator has been working it's magic and now I've got a lovely big pot of freshly brewed coffee... That should keep me going for an hour or two..

With that said.. It's time to go refill my cup and sort out what lies ahead for the day. Got my coaster set to finish and not quite sure what I'll move onto after that.. Time will tell..

Right I'm gone, the coffee pot is calling, so toodles for now and I'll be back for another visit soon.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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