Sunday 12 December 2010

Well it's been a nice relaxing weekend.. With the thaw well under way until last night when we had a really hard frost fell and it's never really lifted today... And it's fell tonight again.. Boy is it cold... Bbbbrrrrrrr. Just to let you see how cold it is I took a picture of my shed so you could see all the lovely sparkles on it.. And my finger prints too.. Lol.

Going to try and get some xmas shopping done tomorrow.. Well I did buy the wrapping paper today so would be nice to have some gifts to wrap... :). Rest of the day will hopefully be spent making xmas cards.

Will do my best to resume service as normal this week again as I've been a bit of a bad blogger the last few weeks... Sorry about that.

Hope you've all had a fab weekend and are starting to feel in the festive mood, after all... Christmas is just around the corner now.

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. aye are you sure you haven't been at it with the glamour dust?? lol
