Monday 13 December 2010

Pre xmas prep...

Well... Another long lie for me this morning :). Thinking maybe I'm getting a little too used to this now.. That's 3 days in a row now.. Lol.

It's obviously doing something to help the energy levels right enough as today has been spent making a good start on my pre xmas cleaning... A chore that I normally detest but for some reason I'm rather enjoying it today.. Let's hope I keep the memento going for another few days so I can get the full house done.

Mr postie brought some more lovely cards this morning and the gritter has been round too... So it's a good day all round so far... Still got another bit of work I want to do today, then I'll be on to some xmas card making... Can't wait so I can get them all delivered and post too.

Right, best get on or I'll never get to the cards... Lol... So I'll love you and leave you for now but will try to pop back later again.

Happy crafting all
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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