Wednesday 3 November 2010


Now how the dickens did I forget that it's WOYWW day.... then again... I actually know... it's called fighting my way through stamps, inks, embossing powder etc all to get a pile of samples done... lol... and there's more on the way too!
So this morning I've been playing with some Time To Sow and some Heritage Rubber Stamps images, then later I've got an online product review to do and my Hougie Board booklet to have play with. Now can anyone remind me why I love my work so... lol.
Needless to say the desk is a bit of a shambles at the moment but it will clear away as the day goes on and then I'll have my wee clean workspace again all ready for what tomorrow will bring.
Sorry I didn't get to visit anyone last week, but working long hours at the SECC didn't allow me anytime to even boot up the computer let alone have a nosey or leave comments... Sorry.
Anyway, must dash, so much work and so little time... any chance of getting another day squeezed into my week?
Love 'n' hugs to all
Lorraine xxx


  1. great desk you have here and love those stamps,too ,hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxxx 21

  2. For someone whose as busy as you are it really doesn't look very untidy! What aren't you showing us!! Love the stamped images and thanks for all the photos from the SECC, glad you found your little birdie punch.

    Brenda 87

  3. Interesting des - like that tree stamp. I've seen your photos of your trip to Glasgow and can quite understand why you had no time to boot up the computer :) Elizabeth #87

  4. Hi ya Lorraine
    lovely creative desk, great stamp, hope you get all ya samples done, have great day,happy WOYWW, sue,(17)x

  5. A quick apology from me - had a senior moment earlier and signed myself in as #87 - not so:( Simply no idea why! Elizabeth #98

  6. it is a shame that you are so busy... there are some fab desks out there this week...

    Dx 46

  7. Love your desk, and those stamps are lovely!

  8. Thanks for sharing your desk...Love the tree stamp, it's beautiful

  9. Great desk. I like that you break out the heat gun. That's something I should do more often.

  10. If you manage to get an extra day squeezed into your week, please let the rest of us know how to do it!!! Lovely images you're working with there....

  11. good luck finding that extra day. like the stamps. caroline #16

  12. Great desk Lorraine. Glad to hear you had a lovely albeit tiring time at the NECC. Thanks for sharing your workspace. Best wishes, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 36)

  13. Looking nice and creative - the tree stamp is just lovely - hope you show us some more and what you make with them all...
    sasa 25
