Wednesday 3 November 2010

Oh nooooo.....

What a rarity... Debbi actually managed to get a picture of me... I generally hide from the camera but on this occasion decided to join in the fun... alongside me are Anne, Kath and Margaret... normally it's just 3 wee monkeys all in a row but this time around it had to be 4... shame Debbi had to take the picture or we could have had her in there too.
Actually stole this pic from Debbi's blog... so thank you babe.
Was so lovely meeting up with all my buddies again and boy did we have fun... nothing unusual there right enough... that's just the norm when it's show time.
Well, time to get back to work again, catch you all later.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Yay - great picture - and lovely to have a reminder of the show. I'm off to the NEC tomorrow, so the credit card is going to take a bashing!

  2. ooooh fabby picture, lovin the new haircut chick, very foxy :o)


    Amanda xxx

  3. you do realise that you are scaring away all your followers showing the witches from eastwick on your blog....believe me cameras will be banned in March....hugs kath xxx
    let me know as soon as Robbie the Robin lands....hope he is OK.

  4. Scarey or what !!!!!!
    I agree with Kath --- all cameras Banned !!!
    Anne xxxxxxxx

  5. Hi Lorraine

    It was great to see you and Kath again last week at the SECC. You look like you had a ball. Work - what's that?!

    There was an lot of nice stuff there but I did find it a bit busy with the result I must have walked straight past the Sugar Nellie stand. What an idiot!!

    Never mind, I got some other things and you'll be pleased to hear - not a flower in sight.

    Looking forward to seeing you again soon. Lynne.x
