Wednesday 13 October 2010


Morning all and who would believe that it's that time of week again for WOYWW... and we're all left wondering what everyone else's desk is looking like after the last week of crafting... well.. mine has been a bit stagnant but I'm working hard to resolve that and create another bit of mess as quickly as possible... lol...

In the evenings I've been stamping my lovely Magnolia's which I kindly have on loan and doing a bit of colouring in whilst sitting watching tv... very relaxing :-)

I also had to find a storage container for my small collection of Pro Markers and then.... I had a bright idea that my old Bold tub might just do the trick... oh yes... perfect size to store them in... shame I've not managed to decorate the tub yet... lol... just have to keep the box in my craft room incase I accidentally end up with pro markers in the washing machine...

Now we all have a clutter section and this is mine at the moment... a collection of scraps, on going projects trapped underneath it all, stamping blocks etc...

This part here is my current on going project... hhhmmmmm wonder what challenge that could be for... lol... hopefully I'll get it finished and posted on my blog later today.

Finally I thought I'd share my little pussy cat with you... this is something my mum brought me back from her Mexican cruise earlier this year.... it's made from metal and has been dye burnished... always adds a bit of heat to the room with the colours and inspiration to create some colourful projects.
Well that's what my unorganised desk is looking like this morning.. wonder what yours is like... I'll do my best over the coming days to visit as many of the other fun loving entrants as possible so please bear with me if it takes me a while to get to you.
Right, off to get the housework done and animals tended to before making a start on finishing my challenge card, oh yeah... I also need to stick a dye in my hair as the greys are starting to show through a little too much!!!!
Catch you all later and happy crafting wishes to all.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Fabulous shading and colouring - great job! So neat. Cute mice and tea-cup! Love him!
    sasa 10

  2. oooooh nooooooo...keep your promarkers away from the washing fact...stay away from domestic chores completely ;0)

  3. Love the desk and wow love the tildas - great colouring in and of course those fab mice.
    Check out the fish on my blog
    Sarah #16

  4. Love that metal cat; and great colouring.

  5. Your desk may be a tad messy but at least your being productive, i have no excuse for my mess lol
    Loving the cat, thought it was something you might of created but its fab non the less

  6. I know where are the weeks going and lots of gorgeous colouring going on...clear the decks though apparently rather large box of goodies on it's way...hugs kath xxx

  7. Lots going on Lorraine, I can't concentrate if the tv is on! Great colouring and love the little PB images, that cat is pretty funky too!

    Brenda 96

  8. Just seen your newest post with all those new goodies!!!

    Happy colouring..........A.xx(29)

  9. Love your colouring and isn't it relaxing to do. That's one cool cat as well! Pam (20)

  10. Fab colouring of those images - I need to get down to trying my Promarkers.
    Love your Mexican cat. #142

  11. Fantastic colouring
    Love the pussy cat!

    Happy WOYWW, see you again
    mandi xx

  12. What gorgeous stamps they are, your colouring is outstanding!! Nice job! I love your over spill area!! The best part about those areas is the tidying up, you always manage to find little treatures you may have forgotten about!!

    Lou. xo #151

  13. great post thanks

  14. Holy cow! When you're late getting here, you need a roadmap to find the post! At least I got to see some cute cards and stamps as I was scrolling away. Happy belated WOYWW (#2).
