Wednesday 13 October 2010

Mr postie brought me goodies today...

Woohoo.... Mr Postie arrived today with my order from Craft Obsessions... I'm so excited and can't wait to get started... I'm blaming it all on Karen Gallacher as I now have to build my own collection... here's some close up pictures for you...

Couldn't resist the seahorse as it's so like my tattoo... it was a must have...
Right gotta dash as I've got a meeting at 6pm and need to throw a bit of makeup on my face.
Toodles for now
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. nice goodies Lorraine
    great to see you with the promarkers
    so looking forward to meeting you on the 30th

  2. Look forward to seeing what you create with these Mrs :d hugs Ali x

  3. Waw your postie is so great, great spent money. Fab stamps and lvoe your promarkers! Hugs,moni

  4. That's a whole bunch of lovely stuff. I like the seahorse.

  5. You lucky girl, looks like a nice little collection there, can't wait to see what you create now.
    Kim xXx
