Wednesday 8 September 2010


Yes folks... it's here again... another WOYWW... and I don't quite know why but no matter when I take my pics my space always looks relatively neat and tidy... beginning to think I should perhaps post pics of all the mess that lies strewn around elsewhere in the room... lol...
Yesterday was good and I managed to post 3 projects which must be one of my best days for a very long time and last night I made a start on another 2... this time it's a love scalloped chipboard album and a little birdhouse... still got a roof to make right enough to ensure my wee birdie is sheltered from the wind... lol.. and still got no idea what I'm gonna put in my album but I'm sure that it will come to me as time goes on.
You may notice that there is a lovely metal whisk thing on my desk... well last week Julia asked me what exactly it was and why it was there... well let me tell you now. It is what it looks like.. it's a milk frother which I got years ago but one day I hunted everywhere and couldn't find my embossing tool... hmmmm.... the old mind got a ticking and suddenly I realised there was a ball on the end of the whisk... lol. Since that day my trusty little frother has taken permanent place on my desk... well it's got a better chance of being used there than in the kitchen.
Now I don't know if anyone would be interested or not but I was thinking of running a wee challenge myself tomorrow to commemorate 9/11... not sure if anyone would be interested though so have put a post on my blog about it... if you would be up for joining in tomorrow can you please leave me a comment so I know that there is interest... just thought it may be a nice way for us crafters to show our respect in rememberance of the day that shook the world.
I'm off to get ready now as I'm going to give Angela at Angel Crafts a bit of a hand with her orders today so I know I'm gonna have a fun time there and hope you all have a fab day too.
Toodles for now
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. Morning lovey,
    Just wanted to say I am really loving all your work. I have just quickly browsed through the last 8 or 9 posts and I just love them all.
    Georgie xx

  2. Very Interesting!
    Thank You!

  3. Fab craft space but if you have mess then we need to see it :-)
    A x

  4. love your little house

  5. Hi Ya Lorraine
    lovely projects on your desk, nice n tidy to, ake a look see what ya challenge is hun, happy WOYWW, sue,x

  6. what a lovely pretty blog you have!

  7. ooohhh me likey! I LOVE LOVE LOVE those papers, first time I have seen them, shopping spree coming on I think:) love your birdie house too, great snoop, hugs mandyxx

  8. Very tidy desk. Happy WOYWW Day.

  9. Kitchen stuff often ends up in my studio too!!

  10. Lorraine-your desk is way too tidy, lol!! Love the birdy house & other projects on your desk too. Hugs Ann xxx

  11. Love the House on your desk...and those papers are really pretty. Very tidy and organised!!


  12. *Gasp!* My heart started racing when I saw your milk frother - I have one and it's the only thing that will successfully dissolve the lumps in my sachet-coffee treats, lol! If only it had an embossing ball at the other end it would surely be a gift from heaven! Love the birdhouse, so sweet.

  13. I want to know how you can do all them projects and keep it clean and tiday like that? Come on Lorraine, what's the secret lol
    Anne x

  14. oh great craft space,love that wee house at the back hugs cheryl xxx

  15. You are one busy crafter. I am lucky to get one post a day, so I'm impressed by all you make. I'm off to check your 9/11 post, too. Happy belated WOYWW.

  16. Hi Lorraine!
    Great snoop,great crafty space but sorry I'm late... a sunny day intervened and I had a great day out instead of WOYWWing.
    JoZarty x

  17. Very tidy desk there and I love those houses!

  18. I am a bit late, Fab Workspace, Happy WOYWW! Thank you for showing us your workspace.

  19. You're right, you space does look tidy and well done you for utilising something you already had rather than rushing out and buying another!

  20. Really tidy desk!

    Love the little birdhouse, very sweet


  21. Lorraine those little houses are so cute :) and your desk is great
    thanks for sharing
    hugs Nikki

  22. Love it - necessity being the mother of invention and all - and as you say, a pointless article for the kitchen!! Love the papers you've chosen for the album.

  23. Lovin the album! And the birdhouse is very cute!

  24. I agree with Wipso - tomorrow you MUST show us your mess!!!
