Wednesday 11 August 2010


Now here's a sight you don't see very often in my craft room.... the aftermath of kiddy attack... and trust it to happen yesterday, just in time for WOYWW
For 9 hours yesterday I was running around with my friend trying to sort out her car... followed her up to put her car in for a service (£210) and before we knew what was happening we were on the go again as the garage asked her to go back up again due to the volume of problems with her car... long story short... after a lot of running around, phone calls etc.... her final bill.... just under £1200... shocking.
Needless to say, during the phonecalls that she had to make, dear old Aunt Lorraine had to entertain the kids... now I'm not used to having kids in my craft room, so that was a real shock to the system... manage to survive right enough.... Well we ended up playing with Stickles & Pearlidoodles to write our names... side kick for cutting out shapes to stick to things... versamark & mica powders... but I have to say... the all time favourite of the day was the quickie glue & glitter.... Not sure how long it will take for mummy to forgive me right enough as they went home with a big bag of goodies to play with whilst being covered from head to toe in inks & glitters... well... what else are true friends for... lol
Well, I'm off now to have a tidy up so I can get on with some constructive crafting today... so I'll say toodles for now and catch you all later.
Mind to pop over & join in the fun at WOYWW...
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. rofl - hope you've cleaned it up Lorraine

  2. Happy WOYWW to you! To be honest, your desk doesn't look that bad - to bad there isn't a shot of the glitter kids! :-)


  3. Hi Lorraine
    looks like the kids had fun, aww your friend that was some heafty bill for her car, have great day, sue,x

  4. well looks as though the kids,had fun,and gosh that was a heafty bill love cheryl xxxx

  5. Boxes and baskets - my kind of organisation, lol. Lots going on there - great to see. Happy WOYWW!

  6. Just the though of 2 inky and glitter covered kiddies turning up and the mums face, that made me chuckle :)
    happy woyww

  7. Lol, what indeed? At least they weren't all sugared up on pop and chocolate! That's a hefty car bill too, blimey!


  8. Looks like you had a lot of fun there! have just noticed that you are from Huntingdon Beach - one of my favourite places! have been for the past 3 years running but unfortunately not this year :( maybe next though!

  9. That sounds like a fab day to me ... next time can I come play too :0)

  10. I've seen worse desks. What a day you had. That's why I don't have a car - can't afford it!!

  11. Your poor friend - what a shock that must have been!

    I bet you had a shock having the children in your craft room - Eloise is getting older now and she is very careful with mummy's stuff, but for a long time she had her own kit and I had mine ;-)

    Loving your new blog - looks so fab, the flowers are gorgeous.

    Georgie xx

  12. Bet it was fun and I bet you've got glitter on your face now!! Thanks for sharing the abstract art and your desk,

  13. That does not look bad to say you have had little ones in there - can imagine the glue and everything - still you are training future crafters.

  14. haha i would be in major panic mode if kids got into my craft room, so well done you for surviving lol

  15. Looks like everything was out but the kitchen sink. And I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's car. It's always hard to take when you think it's going to be one price and it turns out five or six times higher.

    Get that mica powder off your left cheek and have a happy WOYWW.

  16. sounds like the kids had fun :0)
    *hugs* Heather x

  17. Looks like the kids have fun! Sometimes I have my friends come and play with my craft stuff and they bring their kids- oh can they make a mess! Patsy from

  18. Wow what a busy girl you have been, all those beautiful cards for the local children and then looking after some more too. I have to admit when my go children come they head straight for my craft room to play and although they make a mess they always thoroughly enjoy it and that's all that important eh.
    Kim xXx

  19. I bet the kids loved every minute and will want to be back for more crafty fun!!

  20. Great desk and lots of stuff going on there !!

  21. Ouch. £1200! Unexpectedly - always makes it 'resentment' spending! Good for you with the kids, I bet they'll never forget that - although you may have started something...Hope you enjoy your own crafting time back!

  22. Sorry I'm late, the kids had fun!

