Friday 13 August 2010

Where am I ....

Morning folks... Well I've been up with the lark this morning, most of the housework is done, bed has been stripped, washed & is drying in the sunshine now.

Where am I right now... I'm currently sat in a car park in Milngavie, eating hula hoops, drinking coffee and enjoying a little sunshine myself... Hubby had an appointment here and I came along for the ride.

I do have a card all ready to post so will do that once I get back home.

Hope you've all got a little bit of sunshine today ;-)

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


  1. Don't you just love days like this...I do...looks very pretty where you are...enjoy the rest of your day.xx

  2. what better way to spend a day than eating hula hoops and drinking the blog make-over...hugs kath xxx
