Wednesday 4 August 2010


Good day everyone... and can you believe that it's that time of the week again.... WOYWW.....
Is it just me or does everyone feel like this year is just flying by in the blink of an eye... doesn't seem that long ago since we were making the christmas cards and hey... it's almost time to start all over again!!!
Well... I know that my desk was rather clean & tidy last week but the same cannot be said for today's appearance. Scraps lying on the right hand side from the card I just finished along with the beginnings of my next card... got the image done and now choosing the papers etc to go along with it... I know... most folks do it the other way around but sometimes I like to be different... lol
Right, it's time get a move on as I've still got some housework to do, washing & ironing then I've got a meeting at 6pm and a card to deliver after that...
Catch you all later but in the meantime... love 'n' hugs to you all.
Lorraine xxx


  1. You have lots going on on your desk today :-)
    A x

  2. I also color my images first and then go looking for the proper paper, which many times sends me off to the store for new paper. Is this an excuse for shopping?

  3. Hi ya Lorraine
    very creative desk, fabby image there, nice card at the back, have great day, sue,x

  4. Hello, Not been by for ages so thought I would come and annoy you today. WOW your desk is looking much neater than mine. Mmm I think this year has flown by as well. Can't believe its August! Hope all is well with you, Hazelxoox

  5. A lovely creative space going on there! Its great and I love that beautiful christmas card!

    What a busy day you have!

    Keryn x

  6. Yes time is flying, but I don't think I can face starting the Christmas cards yet. xx

  7. I don;t think it's messy, you're just busy!

  8. This is intriguing, makes me wonder what is going to come out of it!!

  9. Great and busy desk there !!

  10. There's a girl after my own heart with an empty Brannie Pickle jar and an opened packet of Hula Hoops on the desk! None of this silly chocolate lark, give me the savouries any day!! Lord, do I miss Brannie Pickle!!


  11. Wash your mouth out lady! housework.. what's that ? washing? Ironing....irons are for crafting!!
    that's still quite a tidy desk and glad to hear you are making good stuff on it.
    Thanks for the late snoop...

  12. Great workspace, lots going on there! Thanks for sharing.

  13. I see a lot of pink going on there. Better get more soap in for your mouth - housework indeedy!!
    Luv Joanne xx

  14. Ooh no Lorraine, I'm an image first gal - couldn't possibly ever do it the other way would not work! What flavour are the hula hoops then?

  15. Still looks really tidy to me! Pretty things in evidence too!
