Thursday 5 August 2010

My time...

Well... I got my work all done, enjoyed cheese & crackers for lunch... Washing out on the line etc and then... Friends arrived with a lovely bunch of flowers for me as a thank you and mum came to visit too... Suddenly I'm at teatime... A few phone calls then quality time with hubby who has now taken himself off to bed... Tomorrow sadly starts at 9.30am with the funeral of an old family friend then back to the same church at 2pm to see an old friends daughter getting married.

Don't think I'll manage any crafting during the day tomorrow so I'm taking the opportunity now whilst I have the living room to myself to do a little something... Just hope I've retrieved what I need from my craft room!!!

Well... Time to love you & leave you as my papers etc are crying out to me... Lol

Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

1 comment:

  1. oh what a busy day you have tomorrow, i hope you get some crafting done or at least relax

    sandra xx
