Saturday 7 August 2010


Ok folks... here's the score... my blog is so out of date and badly in need of a facelift...
Need to change my background etc to liven things up a little but I've encountered a problem before I've even really begun... you see... I'm hopeless with computers...
All of the sites like Cutest Blog on the Block... advise me to click on the layout button on my dashboard... thus begins my problem... my layout button has disappeared from my dashboard...
Can any of you forever changing background whizkids out there help me by telling me what I need to do... PLEASE.......
I'm so desperate to get something bright and colourful on the go and don't know what to do...
Thank you my lovelies...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hiya Lorraine,
    I use - she has made some lovely templates that are all free =) There are instructions on her blog too, you just click on the template you like the look of and it will explain how to add it to your blog. Hope this helps! If y ou need anything, give me a shout xx

  2. Hi Lorraine
    They have changed the 'layout' button to say 'design' now, if you click this you can then either go ahead and continue with the directions you have or you can select the new 'template designer' button which is on the second row of buttons along the top. This has some pre made colour themes.
    Hope this helps.
    Kim xXx

  3. Try the design feature on blogger.
    Carol Ann xx

  4. hello flower. the button has gone because we cannot use them any more blogger deleted them all. try Elegia's backgrounds instead that one worked for me. pencil not arrived yet so please don't think I am not saying thanks for it lol xx

  5. oops didn't quite read that properly. you have to click on new post then the next screen will have the dashboard button with design on the top click that and you will be able to change it xx still can't use Cutest though lol xx

  6. Hi lovey, not sure if your dashboard is the same as mine, but when I want to do anything to my background I click the Design tab at the top of the Dashboard and then you need to put your code into one of the add a gadget boxes. Hope this helps - but if not sorry!
    I am happy to take a look for you if you want me to - just mail me xxx

  7. Are you clicking on Design first Lorraine? This should then take you into your back blog and your buttons
    Anne x
