Saturday 7 August 2010


Now for anyone who is already a big Magnolia fan or for those of you more like me... (I've only managed to get one so far) but will be adding to my collection over time... here is a great opportunity to win this beautiful stamp to add to your stamp collection... and it couldn't be easier to enter the competition.
To be in with a chance of winning all you have to do is pop over to Bev's blog and complete your entry via Mr. Linky....
Perhaps whilst you are there you could leave a small comment for Bev too as her husband is currently in intensive coronary care.... thankfully in a stable condition... but it would be nice for Bev to see just how much we care.
Well I'm off to make my own entry in the comp now so will catch you all later again.
Love 'n' hugs
Lorraine xxx

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