Tuesday 25 May 2010

Sleepy Old Me....

Sorry I haven't posted anything today folks...
One of my deadlines was brought forward by a few days only at tea time last night... what did that mean.... well.... I never made it to bed last night... it was an all nighter.
Needless to say, I'm not quite as young as I used to be and the old body doesn't quite handle the all nighter, through the next day thing anymore, so once my duties were complete this morning... home I came, had some lunch and thought I would have a snooze on the sofa for a wee hour... just to tide me by... well as you can see it's now closer to tea time again and I've only just awoken... thank goodness I did as I need to pick hubby up from work at 5pm so best get my skates on.
More sample making on the agenda tonight before what will obviously be a very early night in bed...
Toodles for now
Lorraine xxx

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