Monday 24 May 2010

Bev's Goody Bag

Well.... I may have my computer back... but as usual all of my original settings and such like are all completely lost somewhere within it's deep black hole... different bar status up top now and where the dickens my picture editing system has gone I have no idea... just need to keep searching I guess. In the meantime I guess I'll just have to stick with cropping my images on 'Paint'... don't like doing it this way at all... guess I get used to my routine way of doing things and when they don't work it throws me all a wobbler... lol
Finally after a weekend of working in the sun and cursing the computer a little... here is my final card that I produced with the delicious goodies sent to me by the ever so talented Bev... the aim... to produce a card just like hers... well I done my best but ended up with my image slightly more to the right of the card than her's was... lol
For anyone who's ever adored the flowers that Bev uses but wondered about buying them... trust me... these are stunning flowers and exceptionally well made... soon as I get a minute... next week the way my schedule is... I think I'll have to pop over to Wild Orchid Crafts and make a little purchase myself... lol
Well... time to go again... samples to be getting on with (including some painting)... but need to dash around with the hoover and duster first... looks like I'll be working in the garden today again... oh yes... glorious blue sky and plenty of sunshine... just the way I like it.
Catch ya all later.
Lorraine xxx


  1. What a gorgeous card Lorraine,i love your image and your papers.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  2. This is gorgeous Lorraine. I love how you coloured that lovely image. And the DP is really lovely too.

    Kat xx
