Monday 19 April 2010

Winter aftermath....

Morning all.... today I thought I'd share some pictures of what was my beloved garden... sadly the harsh winter has destroyed most of the tropical elements in it... apart from that is my fake castor oil plant... it does have a few brown leaves that have to go but it managed to hang on quite well. I do find this picture quite amusing though... one side, all the plants are brown, the other side, they are all green. From this picture you can see that I will need to cut down my eucalyptus, my yucca tree and I also have to remove 2 large flax plants. My garden certainly is going to be very much on the bare side this year..

Just had to show you this close up of my poor Yucca tree... it was growing in my garden for almost 9 years so had achieved a good height and always made me smile when I looked out of the window.. now however... not a lot to smile about when you look at it's sad pitiful state is there... lol
Well time is moving on this morning so I guess it's time to get my butt in gear, get the work done and then move on to some more card making... always make you do the housework that little bit quicker... lol.
Toodles for now and catch up with you all later on again.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. awwwwwww Lorriane, what a shame, your poor plants. Only one of mine got wind damaged and I was mad enought at that. Poor you, it'll take an age to mature again.
    Anne x
