Sunday 18 April 2010

Souffle & Stardust...

Afternoon folks... here's another little something I've put together lately...

This is one of the flower fairies stamps (minus the fairy... lol) and this time I used another pen combination for the colouring. First up I watercoloured the image using Sakura Souffle pens... very often the pens that are overlooked as everyone thinks they are very matt in appearance but there are ways to change this. Once my souffle was dry I then put another layer over the top of the souffle by watercolouring on with some clear stardust. A little matting & layering on the card & voila... a complete card... oh almost forgot... I added the doodled dots with a coloured pigma micron pen.

Images & pens available here

Right I'm off now to wash some windows, do some ironing & squeeze in a little gardening too if possible.

Toodles for now and catch you all later....

Lorraine xxx


  1. Beautiful card those fairy stamps really have character and with your wonderful colouring they come to life.
    Kim xXx

  2. hey hunni- lovely card
